Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Holidays!

                  Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Courtesy of

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Super Late Chocolate Book Tag Post

Sarah tagged me for the Chocolate Book Tag a while back, and I've finally gotten around to doing a blog post covering it :). Sorry about the delay Sarah!

 1. Dark Chocolate (A book that covers a dark topic) The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and The Complete Sherlock Holmes. I know it's more than one book, but all are awesome, and are among my top-favorite books.
 2. White Chocolate (Favorite light-hearted/humorous read) Hmmm, Probably Eight Cousins.

 3. Milk Chocolate (A book with a lot of hype that you're dying to read) The Hobbit Trilogy. Can't wait to see if our library carries it.

 4. Caramel-filled Chocolate (A book that makes you feel all gooey inside) I don't tend to read very many mushy books :).

 5. Wafer-less KitKat (A book that has surprised you) I'm not usually surprised by books.

 6. Snickers (A book you're going nuts about) Ooh, boy. Here are six. The lord of the Rings trilogy, The Complete Sherlock Holmes, This Present Darkness, and Piercing the Darkness. All are fantastic reads.

 7. Hot Chocolate With Mini Marshmallows (A book you turn to for a comfort read) Other than my Bible, The Eagle of the Ninth. It's not what you would call a comforting read, but it always make me feel better when I'm in the dumps.

 8. Box of Chocolates (A series you feel has something for everyone) Probably Little House on the Prairie, or R.M. Ballantyne books.
  And there you go! I hope you will be able to check into some of these books and enjoy them as much as I do, but please remember to always check into a new book with your parents guidance. Not all of the above are strictly Christian, and while they are not bad books, some parents may feel they are only for certain age groups. Happy Reading!

P.S. I had hoped to include a picture of each book, but I haven't the time. Try looking for them at your local library :) Also, here is the link to the recipe for the delicious-looking homemade Milky Way bars pictured above: